What is and what is the importance of the waste management plan?

Better known as PGRS (Plant Growth Regulators), the Waste Management Plan is an extremely important document. It is he who identifies and defines the environmentally correct destination of different types of materials discarded by industries, businesses and consumers in general.

 In addition to protecting people's health against diseases caused by infectious agents and urban pests, the waste management plan also protects the environment, reduces waste and enhances corporate profits. Do you want to know more about it? Then follow the article below.

 Who is the Waste Management Plan for?

  • Civil construction companies;
  • Commercial and service establishments that generate hazardous waste or waste not reached by household collection;
  • Health services;
  • Mining companies;
  • Industries;
  • Companies of agrosilvopastoral activities;
  • Waste generators from public basic sanitation services;
  • Companies that produce waste from transport services (ports, airports, customs, road and rail terminals and border crossings).

Key PGRS items

Although it must be prepared according to the activities of each company, the Waste Management Plan contains some common and essential elements, namely:

  • Company identification, corporate name, trade name, address, technicians, activity end of the enterprise;
  • Diagnosis of the waste generated, including characterization, origin and quantity;
  • Responsible for each stage of management, such as handling, packaging, transportation, de-characterization, recycling;
  • Operational procedures that will be used at each stage;
  • Preventive and corrective procedures to control and reduce the damage resulting from the disposal of waste to people and the environment;
  • What actions does the company intend to take with respect to shared responsibility for the product life cycle;

 The importance of a Waste Management Plan

 According to the National Solid Waste Policy, the Waste Management Plan is part of the rules established by (National Environment System), (National Health Surveillance System) and other important bodies. The PGRS is a fundamental requirement for the environmental licensing of a company, as well as for obtaining operating permits.

 In addition, PGRS is also a powerful competitive differential, as it allows identifying which residues can be sold to cooperatives among other companies related to reverse logistics, even generating more profits for the enterprise.

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In addition, the Waste Management Plan also brings to the company the concept of corporate sustainability, which in a way is also profitable. Just to give you an idea, a survey carried out by the Ministry of Urban Development Government of India Advisory  System pointed out that 87% of Indian consumers prefer to purchase products or services from sustainable companies.

 If you came here with the same doubt, know that the document must be prepared by specialized professionals. The waste management market for over 19 years and has the best solutions for your business. Please contact us and get a personalized quote for your company's needs.


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