What is a market index? - Marketing – 2019
A market index is a concept of the financial sector used
daily on stock exchanges around the world: the markets for stocks, bonds and
other types of financial instruments or
securities. However, understanding a market index requires first of all
understanding the meaning of a market index.
What is an index?
According to Investor words, an index is "a statistical
indicator that provides a representation of the value of the securities that
make it up". The S & P 500 index is an example.
What is a market index?
A market index is therefore an index that represents the
values of a particular market. In other words, "it measures the price
changes of an overall market, like a stock market or a bond market," says
Investor words.
The point of the
market index
A point in a market index is a concept used to measure the
value of the securities listed in the index. However, the point will have a
different meaning depending on whether it is a stock market index or a bond
market index
Point: stock market
When referring to stock and equity indices, a
"point" is equivalent to $ 1.
Point: index of the bond market
When referring to bond and bond market indices, a
"point" equals $ 10 because each price of a bond is actually at a
rate of $ 1,000.
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